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Monday, July 23, 2012

Target: Free PaperMate Pens

PaperMate writing instrument
Target has some great Back To School coupons available for print. Currently, you can print a $1.00 off coupon for PaperMate pens.  Target has packs of Papermate pens priced at $1.00! So for those of you with a coupon, that's free! 

PaperMate Pens $1.00
Papermate Pens $1.00 off (under back to school category)
 Final Price = FREE

Note:  Price check at Panama City Bach location.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Greeting Card stockpile PLUS a free card!

Greeting Cards are a great way to encourage others, bless them on special occasions, or just let someone know you were thinking of them.  For most part, Greeting Cards can be pretty cheap...but did you know you can get beautiful cards mailed to your house absolutely Free? 

There are several sites out there that print greeting cards and offer new customers a Free card. And those same sites will offer Free cards to existing customers from time to time. This is a great way to stay stocked up on cards. 

Living the Woman of Joy life, means always thinking of others.  In our busy lives, birthdays and anniversaries can sneak up on us.  If you have a stock pile of greeting cards, you'd never be without something to put in their hands! And you won't have to rush to the store.

Sometimes, the Lord puts someone on our mind, or maybe a "Secret Sister" in our life.  A greeting card can change her day simply because someone else was thinking about her, praying for her... a light in her life. 

Start your stockpile today. That doesn't mean you need to go purchase 30 cards at once, maybe you just buy one the next time you are at the store and you tuck it away until it is needed. If you can score a free card or two on the websites posted below, you'd have a small stockpile going by the end of July! 

Personalized Thinking of You Cards at! Shop Now!
FREE card from Cardstore for everyone!!!
Now thru Sunday 7/22, is giving away a
FREE Greeting Card AND FREE shipping if you ship it to yourself!
go HERE and create your card and enter the code CAJ2719 in the promo box.

Greeting Cards at Treat offers all new customers a Free card with Free shipping. Simply choose your card, personalize with words and/or pics, add to cart and use the FREETREAT code at checkout.

Freebie Friday - July 20, 2012

Freebie Friday- a roundup of the hottest, most current freebies we can find!

Photo: Would LIKE a free sample of Woolite Extra Dark Care? Click the app link to get your free sample NOW!

Free Woolite Sample on their Facebook page
Free Purex Sample
Free Purex Sample ~or~ liquid or choose!
Watch the video all the way through then click sign up.  One per household, so if you've gotten this freebie before, it will tell you!

breathe right nasal strip logoBreath Right sample & coupon option

Free Purina Cat Food Sample
Free Purina Cat Chow sample
Get a free sample of Purina® Chat Chow® Healthy Weight, plus a coupon.
Like them on FB to get yours!

A few more.....

Garnier Fructis Hair Care Sample
Emergen-C Vitamin drink samples
StayFree Ultra thin liner w/ wings sample
Gardner's Idea Book from Proven Winners

Christian Audio: FREE Audiobook of the month
Visit Christian Audio for the free audiobook of the month: The Sword. It’s a novel about the end of the modern world and a return to a medieval-like age of swords, horses, and feudal kingdoms.

Free books for your EReader:
Free Kindle Reading Apps here

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Do You Need to Get Over Yourself?

Do You Need to Get Over Yourself?

by Joyce Meyer
I want to love God and help people. That’s my goal in life each day. And when people ask me, “What’s your dream? What’s your vision?” I have one answer: I just want to help people.
If helping someone means teaching them the Word of God, then I want to teach the Word. If someone needs a hug, I want to give them a hug. If I can help someone by paying their rent for a month, I want to do that. Or if I can help people in India by going there and sharing the love of God, I want to go to India.
That’s what it means to walk in love—the God-kind of love. It’s about letting God use us however He wants to use us and knowing it’s all about Him. It’s about getting over ourselves and getting on with what God is calling us to do. Walking in love should be the number one goal of every Christian.

Deception That Can Trip You

There’s a deceptive sin that can keep us from walking in love: pride. It’s deceptive because when you have pride, you’re usually too proud to admit it. I know this because I used to have teachings on pride and they didn’t sell well.
We need to take this issue of pride seriously. Proverbs 16:5 (AMP) says, “Everyone proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting, hateful, and exceedingly offensive to the Lord….”
Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don’t give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have.

It’s Not About Us

“ Walking in love should be the number one goal of every Christian.”
Sadly, the truth is, there aren’t many people who can be put in high positions who won’t start thinking highly of themselves.

God wants us to be dependent on Him rather than thinking we can do things ourselves and then take the credit when good things happen. It’s foolish for us to do this because the reality is our gifts, talents and abilities come from God (see John 3:27). We can’t take credit for them.
My ability to communicate is a gift from God. I thank Him for it and want to use it for His service. Whatever you do well, realize that it’s not because of you – it’s because God has enabled you to do it well. It’s all about Him, not us.

Check Your Heart for Pride

I realize this is a hard message to hear. But we need to be honest about pride in our lives because if we aren’t, we will create a separation between us and God. And that’s the worst condition we can be in.
If you want to check your heart to see if you’re proud in an ungodly way, ask yourself:
  • How am I treating people?
  • How do I think about others?
  • Do I talk about myself more than I talk about God and what He’s done?
The good news is, we can humble ourselves and turn a bad situation around. Give God the glory for the good things in your life and show His righteousness by helping others—the poor, needy and oppressed. Make it all about Jesus.
Choose godly humility. With every success you have, tell the Lord, “I know I’m nothing without You. I can do nothing without You and I’m successful because of You.” When people compliment you, thank them and give them back to God. That’s where the glory really belongs. It’s all about Him.

This article is taken from Joyce's four-CD series, Guard Your Heart.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Power Thoughts {WEEK 15}

READ: This month we will focus on pages 142-156 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

John 13:34  I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another.  Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another.

(pages 142-146)
True love is more than a warm, fuzzy feeling....  Real love is an action.  Real love is a commitment.  Real love is a choice.  In order to purposefully love, your mind must be filled with thoughts of generosity for others. 

Take "me" out of the equation.... Real love has nothing to do with me, myself, or I and what I want.  It has everything to do with sacrificing self to do for others...even when we don't feel like it, even when we feel others don't deserve it. 
Many people live in unhappiness and waver over into depression from time to time, if not consumed with depression.  Many times, when we get to the root of unhappiness and depression, we find the root centered around self.  Roots do deep in expectation of what others will do for us that we sink into disappointment often...because the truth is, people will always let us down.  LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS AND YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! 
A life rooted in God and serving Him will lead to happiness.  He will never disappoint.  His plan for you is one of hope, one that laughs in the face of depression. 

ACTION:  Make it a point to do one nice thing for one person daily.  Ask God each morning to show you whom you can bless today. 
If you battle with depression, or general unhappiness, seek out the root of your disappointments in life.  God will reveal them to you.  You may have to face some hard truth about yourself, but once you do, you can begin to recover and build a New life rooted in Christ. 

PRAY: Dear Lord,  Thank you that you loved us so that we may love others.  Show me each and every day a person in need, a person I can bless, even if its just by loving them.  I ask for your blessings in my life so that I may be a blessing to others. 

Lord, if there is anything hindering my blessings please reveal them to me.  Help me to be all that you want me to be.  AMEN

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pinterest Recipe Review - Baked Pork Chops

Recipes from Pinterest
Pinterest is your personal, online pin board. Pinterest allows you to organize and share all thing you find while browsing the world wide web. You can browse other people's pin boards and follow boards and people who share your same interests. People are using Pinterest to plan their weddings, parties, weekly menus, and simply to find solutions and how to's... and new ideas!

You can follow our Pinterest boards here: Corey & Misty
just click the name to be taken to our individual boards

We've given many a "pinned" recipe a try in our kitchens...some with rave reviews, some forever deleted from our food boards. Now, we share our thoughts with you, letting you decide, to pin or not to pin.

The Pin:
Find Original Post here:
Pinned from TricksChefs
Misty's Review:
They were very tender!  Stan, actually like them which was a plus!  ( he's quite the picky eater and I wasn't so sure he'd go for the mushroom thing) 

Downside: this dish creates a lot of dirty dishes

Misty's Tips: 

The recipe said bake for an hour and then top with sauce and bake for another 30 min, but since my pork chops were on the thin side I baked them for 30 min then topped them with sauce and baked for another 5 min.

Recipe Pork Chops

Linking up:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Chick-fil-A Cow Appreciation Day

Cow Appreciation Day®

Join us Today (July 13, 2012) at your favorite
Chick-fil-A Restaurant!

For one day only, black and white spots, cow bells and furry ears will be appropriate attire at Chick-fil-A restaurants all across the nation. In celebration of July 13, Cow Appreciation Day (an unofficial yet nationally recognized holiday), Chick-fil-A will award a FREE Meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to any customer who comes to one of our 1,600+ restaurants fully dressed as a cow.

Chick-Fil-A does lots of fun events and on 7/13 they are celebrating “Cow Appreciation Day” by giving away free food to customers dressed like cows! If you wear just a cow accessory, you’ll receive a free entree. Full cow attire entitles you to a free meal.
Chick-Fil-A also has “Cow Starter Kits” that will help you to make your own accessory or full cow costume.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fashion Meets Faith: Shari Braendel

Cover Photo

We recently experienced a Faith & Fashion show put on by Shari Braendel.  We learned our body shapes and found out our "color"... the colors that look best on us, and those that we should steer clear of.  We also learned that the way we dress says a lot about our faith.  First impressions are important, and how you dress on the outside, reflects who you are on the inside... at least at first glance!

Shari Braendel's message is this: whatever we highlight (cleavage, bra straps, bellies, butts, etc) attention will be driven there. However, if we choose clothing that highlights our entire being, then who we are and what we have to say will shine.  For example, wearing colors around your face that brighten your skintone, will draw attention to your face and people will see your great smile first!

I was excited to see an article by Shari in
Coastal Christian Family Magazine (June 2012) ! In the article there are 10 B's of Fashion.  What to do and what NOT to do!  Shari gives great advice that I think we have to strive to follow in order to become the Proverbs 31 Woman God has called us to be.  In allowing our faith to monitor the way we dress, we set standards for the younger generation, our daughters, granddaughters, neices, etc. 

We also have a duty to our brothers in Christ.  We must not be the cause of their temptation.  Dressing with modesty shows we respect ourselves and seek respect from men as well.  Unless a guy has trained his mind to look elsewhere, he just cannot help but look at what you show him.  Guys are visual creatures.  Shari asks girls and women to look at their outfit and ask "would this trip up a guy?"  If you wear short skirts or shorts, you are going to get the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of guy.  The good guys, have trained themselves to not look, buy you wouldn't want to tempt the good guy right?
About Shari Braendel:Shari Braendel has become the nation's most sought-after Christian speaker on the topic of fashion, beauty and modesty. As a successful image consultant, she saw firsthand that women didn't recognize the beauty that God gave them and lacked the knowledge of how to dress themselves with confidence so their outside appearance represented who they were on the inside.

In the summer of 2010, Zondervan released Shari's newest book, Good Girls don't have to Dress Bad which is a full color style guide for every woman. Not only will you learn about the best haircut and makeup for you, but you'll discover the most flattering jeans and swimsuit. All this and your very own shopping guide leading you to the right stores and brands just for you, based on your specific body type.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Power Thoughts {WEEK 14}

READ: This month we will focus on pages 126-141 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

I Am Difficult to Offend - Power Thought #4
Psalm 119:165
"Great peace have they who love Your law: nothing shall offend them or make them stumble"

Forgive others for your own well being....  resentment, anger, bitterness, grudges... they all effect us and not the other person.  When we don't fogive, we take matters into our own hands and try to fix other people.  Forgiving them allows God to work in their lives. 

Unforgiveness hinders our FAITH and we reap what we sow.  Satan would love nothing more than to stunt your growth spiritually...and he will use others to offend you.  He's fishing, don't take the bait!

ACTION:  List out the benefits from forgiveness.... which could you use most?  If there is anyone you have not forgiven, write their name on a piece of paper and what they did to hurt you.  Pray for them, then shred that paper and toss it away!  Let your feelings go in the trash with it....
PRAY: Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing us to forgive others just as you forgive us. Help me to make choices that limit hurt feelings in myself and to others. I continue to pray for those who have hurt me, I pray for favor with them and I pray that their hearts would be turned and they too would have all the desires of their hearts. In Jesus Name AMEN.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What to buy: July

It's Hot here in Florida.  It's also already July!  The summer months are in full swing and before we know it it will be cool again and we will usher in Fall.  But in the mean time, let's stock up our freezers with July's in season fruits at the best prices so when Fall comes around, we can have the taste of summer just a thaw away!

Here is a list of what will be at its lowest price this month:


Butter Beans
Green Beans
Summer Squash

Ice Cream & Frozen Treats

July is National Blueberry month, National Ice Cream month, and National Hot Dog look for great steals on these items. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Freebie Friday - A Roundup of All Things Free!

Cow Appreciation Day®

Join us July 13, 2012 at your favorite Chick-fil-A Restaurant!

For one day only, black and white spots, cow bells and furry ears will be appropriate attire at Chick-fil-A restaurants all across the nation. In celebration of July 13, Cow Appreciation Day (an unofficial yet nationally recognized holiday), Chick-fil-A will award a FREE Meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to any customer who comes to one of our 1,600+ restaurants fully dressed as a cow.

Chick-Fil-A does lots of fun events and on 7/13 they are celebrating “Cow Appreciation Day” by giving away free food to customers dressed like cows! If you wear just a cow accessory, you’ll receive a free entree. Full cow attire entitles you to a free meal.
Chick-Fil-A also has “Cow Starter Kits” that will help you to make your own accessory or full cow costume.

Get a free sample of Purina® Chat Chow® Healthy Weight, plus a coupon.
Like them on FB to get yours!

Who loves a Free Magazine??
here is a list posted by

A few more I found:

Christian Audio:  FREE Audiobook of the month
Visit Christian Audio for the free audiobook of the month: The Sword. It’s a novel about the end of the modern world and a return to a medieval-like age of swords, horses, and feudal kingdoms.

Free books for your EReader: 
Free Kindle Reading Apps here

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Do I Do When Someone Hurts Me?

I came across a post on another blog today that I just have to share with you all because it is so fitting with what we are studying this month.  I wasn't looking for anything to blog about, or even anything to do with our study, so when I unintentionally find these little nuggets, I feel I must share what God is leading me to...because He wants to lead you there as well. 

I love how she says the first thing we must do is tell God the truth!  Even thought God knows my every thought, I can still lay it all out there to Him.  Like a best friend, I can put into words just how hurt and angry I am at someone or a situation.  Sometimes I feel better just getting it off my chest so to speak.  With God, I can speak the truth and not have to offend anyone or put words out there to be used against me.  What I say to God in my own private prayer closet, stays with Him. 

What I Do When Someone Hurts Me
by Judy @ InKindle

Life includes plenty of pain. Much of it comes from the realities of life in a fallen world: illness, accidents, natural disasters, financial crashes…
Sadly, too often, our pain is caused by other people. I am horrified at what people will choose to do to each other: theft, lies, abuse, slavery, rape, sexual trafficking, torture…
But the most painful is usually that inflicted by those we love—and we think love us. That pain is often unbearable, barely endured, deeply grieved, scarcely survived.

God’s Word has given me real help. I may not be able to control the cause of my pain, but I can choose how I respond.
So here are some responses that have made a difference for me.

1. Tell God the Truth

How do I feel about what this person has done to me? God knows what is in my heart and mind, and He can handle my rawest emotions. I tell Him the truth.

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. “ (John 4:23)

2. Thank God in the pain, the hurt, the person who has hurt me.

Thanking God helps to refocus my mind and heart. It tells God that I know He is God and He is good. And giving thanks opens the door for what God wants to do in the situation.

“…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

3. Look for the good that God is doing.

Sometimes the good is hiding for a later time, but often I can see glimpses of positive results: changes in my life or the life of the one who hurt me; insight into my past and my future; resolution of unhealed wounds; opportunities to encourage others.

“I will never stop doing good to them…” (Jeremiah 32:40)

4. Forgive the one who hurt me.

Really? Do they deserve to be forgiven? Probably not. But I’ve been given repeated admonitions to forgive and a powerful model.

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13)
“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’” (Luke 23:34)

5. Bless the person who hurt me.

Once again, God is clear in His impossible requirements. He tells me to bless my enemies, and yes, even this one I love feels like an enemy when he hurts me.
My tendency is to strike out verbally, to accuse, to blame—to curse. But God says to leave the consequences to Him—He is a much better justice maker than I am. When I choose to bless, amazing things happens—my attitude begins to change, the person receives my blessing and that blessing invariably comes back to me.

Jesus: “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.“ (Luke 6:28)

“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:9)

When I do these things, does the hurt go away? Not usually. But these responses open my heart and mind to receive the love and grace God wants to pour all over me. And grace and love are powerful healers.

What about you? How does God help you when you have been hurt by someone you love?


Judy Douglass is the author of the blog
. She is a writer, editor, speaker, and missionary travelling the world encouraging others to step into all God has for them. 

Judy is author of Loving a Prodigal and Secrets of Success. Click here to download a Free e-version of Loving a Prodigal!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tenth Avenue North - Losing

We can't control how others act....but we can control how we react to people. We are called to live according to God's Word, not according to the world or the flesh. There is wisdom in choosing to let go of offenses, hurt feelings, anger, bitterness... Watch this video by the group Tenth Avenue North. 

Losing is a song about offenses and forgiving those that offend us.  Forgiving, even when we feel like the ones losing....


Monday, July 2, 2012

Freebie Friday - A Roundup of Free Stuff


Free Gas-X Sample and coupon

Eco-Me Cleaner sample


FREE sample of Nature’s Variety Instinct food for cats or dogs! Like them on their FB page!

Free Purina Cat Food Sample
Free Purina Cat Chow sample
Get a free sample of Purina® Chat Chow® Healthy Weight, plus a coupon.
Like them on FB to get yours!

Christian Audio: FREE Audiobook of the month
Visit Christian Audio for the free audiobook of the month: The Sword. It’s a novel about the end of the modern world and a return to a medieval-like age of swords, horses, and feudal kingdoms.

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Power Thoughts {Week 13}

READ: This month we will focus on pages 126-141 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

I Am Difficult to Offend - Power Thought #4
Psalm 119:165
"Great peace have they who love Your law: nothing shall offend them or make them stumble"

Knowing YourselfWe can learn to read our own bodies and determine timeswhen we might be offended a little easier than other times.  Being tired or overworked is a good example.  Certain conversations and/or situation may cause stress that can boost hurt feelings, and weaken our mindset.  For women, PMS and Menopaise can be a very sensitive time when we can easily be offended and offend those around us as well.  Learning to read our bodies and know when we are most sensitive will help to avoid being tempted to sin (being offended is a sin).

ACTION:  Take a note of any times this week you feel offended.  Note how your body is feeling at the moment.  If you are tired, or stressed, are you getting offended easier?  Determine a good break for you.  If you are getting offended, maybe you need to take a time out.  For me I can do crafts or read a magazine to change my mindset. 
PRAY: Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing us to forgive others just as you forgive us.  Help me to make choices that limit hurt feelings in myself and to others.  I continue to pray for those who have hurt me, I pray for favor with them and I pray that their hearts would be turned and they too would have all the desires of their hearts.   In Jesus Name AMEN. 
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