We recently experienced a Faith & Fashion show put on by Shari Braendel. We learned our body shapes and found out our "color"... the colors that look best on us, and those that we should steer clear of. We also learned that the way we dress says a lot about our faith. First impressions are important, and how you dress on the outside, reflects who you are on the inside... at least at first glance!
Shari Braendel's message is this: whatever we highlight (cleavage, bra straps, bellies, butts, etc) attention will be driven there. However, if we choose clothing that highlights our entire being, then who we are and what we have to say will shine. For example, wearing colors around your face that brighten your skintone, will draw attention to your face and people will see your great smile first!
I was excited to see an article by Shari in Coastal Christian Family Magazine (June 2012) ! In the article there are 10 B's of Fashion. What to do and what NOT to do! Shari gives great advice that I think we have to strive to follow in order to become the Proverbs 31 Woman God has called us to be. In allowing our faith to monitor the way we dress, we set standards for the younger generation, our daughters, granddaughters, neices, etc.
We also have a duty to our brothers in Christ. We must not be the cause of their temptation. Dressing with modesty shows we respect ourselves and seek respect from men as well. Unless a guy has trained his mind to look elsewhere, he just cannot help but look at what you show him. Guys are visual creatures. Shari asks girls and women to look at their outfit and ask "would this trip up a guy?" If you wear short skirts or shorts, you are going to get the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of guy. The good guys, have trained themselves to not look, buy you wouldn't want to tempt the good guy right?

In the summer of 2010, Zondervan released Shari's newest book, Good Girls don't have to Dress Bad which is a full color style guide for every woman. Not only will you learn about the best haircut and makeup for you, but you'll discover the most flattering jeans and swimsuit. All this and your very own shopping guide leading you to the right stores and brands just for you, based on your specific body type.

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