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Monday, June 18, 2012

Power Thoughts {WEEK 11}

READ:  This month we will focus on pages 126-141 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

I Am Difficult to Offend - Power Thought #4
Psalm 119:165
"Great peace have they who love Your law: nothing shall offend them or make them stumble"

Being difficult to offend means forgiving quickly, letting go of expectations, and finding something good in every person.  We live in a world filled with human beings being human.  We have to learn to deal with the good and the bad ones.  If you are willing to become a person who is hard to offend, you will open the door to more joy in your life. 

ACTION: Pray and Say - make a decision now to follow Joyce Meyer's Pray and Say rule.  When someone offends you, quietly (in your head even) say "I will not be offended"  Later when their hurtful actions or words come back to attack your mind, Pray that God will help you forgive and forget, then say "I will not be offended" 
PRAY: Dear Lord, Thank you for forgiving me every time I've needed forgiveness.  Help me to be more like you in that I can easily forgive those who offend me.  Help me to not allow other's choices steal my peace and joy.  AMEN

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