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Friday, June 29, 2012

Freebie Friday: A Roundup of all things Free!

Free Cookbook from Sunmaid:  choose to download or have it mailed directly to you

Shout Color Catcher sample from Target


These books are avaialable for download to any e-reader.  I have the kindle App for my Iphone and read all my Free books there!
Don’t Have a Kindle? Checkout the
FREE Kindle applications you can download to read Kindle ebooks on Iphone, Ipad, PC, Droid, Blackberry, etc

Fiction / Non-Fiction

Gods and Kings: Chronicles of the Kings #1

The 7-Day Doubt Diet

Hearing God - Free audio book from ChristianAudio

Free Stuff Still Available:

Hear it First - Sign up to recieve weekly newsletter with at least 1 free Christian music download!


More Ovaltine Please!

Miracle Whip Sample

Free Christian Music to download to your MP3 player!

Eucerin Lotion Sample - Free Sample of Eucerin Daily Proctection Lotion with SPF.

Lipton Tea & Honey Sample Free sample of Lipton Tea new flavors

Free Sample of Rachel Ray's Dog Food

Bodycology - Free Sample of their Wild Poppy body cream

Arm & Hammer Sensitive Toothpaste sample

Invisible Glass cleaning wipes sample

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Power Thoughts {WEEK 12}

READ: This month we will focus on pages 126-141 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

I Am Difficult to Offend - Power Thought #4
Psalm 119:165
"Great peace have they who love Your law: nothing shall offend them or make them stumble"

Satan's Trap
We live in a world full of opportunities to be offended, become angry. As I type this, I am battling that temptation right now. I have a choice, to become angry and offended or just choose to not allow it to steal my joy. Unfortunately, every other person in this world has that very choice too. Some are just better at it then others. If we have a "difficult to offend" mindset, then we become better at it each time the temptation arises.

Praying for those that hurt us is one of the hardest things to do. Recently, I had to pray that God would move in a situation involving others that had caused a lot of trouble in my life. I didn't pray that God would strike them down like my flesh was screaming, but I prayed that God would open their hearts and minds and they would choose right, no matter their own fleshly desires. That right would be right. Then I asked for favor in the situation. Guess what? They chose right. One person in particular even made the comment "what's right is right"....

Forgiving those who hurt you is your super power. You overcome evil with good... you frustrate Satan when you pray for those he sent to steal your joy.
ACTION: Choose 3 people this week (or more) who have hurt you in the past...or even recently. Pray for them. If they need Jesus, pray for Him to move in their lives. If they know Christ yet have become bait for Satan, pray that they are set free. You will be surprised, the more you pray for these people, the easier you will let go of the offense.
PRAY: Dear Lord, Thank you for forgiving me every time I've needed forgiveness. Help me to be more like you in that I can easily forgive those who offend me. I pray for them Lord, I pray that they too can receive the Joy I have in you.  AMEN

Friday, June 22, 2012

Freebie Friday - A Roundup of Free Stuff

It's been a slow week for new freebies!  Review these previously posted freebies that are still available... there could be one you missed!


Don’t Have a Kindle? Checkout the following FREE Kindle applications you can download to read Kindle ebooks on Iphone, Ipad, PC, Droid, Blackberry, etc

Fiction / Non-Fiction

Free Stuff Still Available:

Hear it First - Sign up to recieve weekly newsletter with at least 1 free Christian music download!

More Ovaltine Please!

Miracle Whip Sample

Free Christian Music to download to your MP3 player!

Eucerin Lotion Sample - Free Sample of Eucerin Daily Proctection Lotion with SPF.

Lipton Tea & Honey Sample Free sample of Lipton Tea new flavors

Free Sample of Rachel Ray's Dog Food

Bodycology - Free Sample of their Wild Poppy body cream

Arm & Hammer Sensitive Toothpaste sample

Invisible Glass cleaning wipes sample

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Power Thoughts {WEEK 11}

READ:  This month we will focus on pages 126-141 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

I Am Difficult to Offend - Power Thought #4
Psalm 119:165
"Great peace have they who love Your law: nothing shall offend them or make them stumble"

Being difficult to offend means forgiving quickly, letting go of expectations, and finding something good in every person.  We live in a world filled with human beings being human.  We have to learn to deal with the good and the bad ones.  If you are willing to become a person who is hard to offend, you will open the door to more joy in your life. 

ACTION: Pray and Say - make a decision now to follow Joyce Meyer's Pray and Say rule.  When someone offends you, quietly (in your head even) say "I will not be offended"  Later when their hurtful actions or words come back to attack your mind, Pray that God will help you forgive and forget, then say "I will not be offended" 
PRAY: Dear Lord, Thank you for forgiving me every time I've needed forgiveness.  Help me to be more like you in that I can easily forgive those who offend me.  Help me to not allow other's choices steal my peace and joy.  AMEN

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fearless Faith

Fearless Faith

 Have you ever noticed that we live in a fear—based society? All you have to do is turn on the news or read the newspaper, and you'll see that doubt and fear have peaked and become the pattern for millions. People are afraid they'll die of cancer, afraid they won't be able to pay their bills, afraid they're going to lose their jobs, afraid they'll never have children. What's worse, many people have been deceived into believing that fear is just as normal as breathing, but I beg to differ. Fear is anything but normal!
 Fear is actually tainted or contaminated faith. While faith is a practical demonstration of confidence in God and His Word, fear is a practical demonstration of confidence in Satan and his word. Every day we must ask ourselves, who am I connected to—God or Satan? If we want to be connected with God, we've got to have faith. Conversely, we must consciously realize that if we are void of faith and full of fear, we're actually connected to Satan. Just as God uses faith to gain access into our lives, Satan perverts faith and uses fear to gain entry into our lives.
 Every day fear and faith are in an unyielding battle to reign supreme in our lives. When people accept or tolerate fear, they're unwittingly being lured into Satan's plan to control their lives. However, using the Word of God to abolish fear creates and develops fearless faith that is bold and unstoppable, and it's that faith which allows you to obtain the victory God has given you through His Son, Jesus Christ.
 Did you know your born—again spirit is not even capable of producing fear? God has not given you the spirit of fear which leads to bondage. In fact, He's freed you from bondage, and He doesn't want you going back to it. So, if fear doesn't come from inside you, where does it come from? Fear is produced and comes as a result of things you've learned, heard, seen, and experienced. It is a byproduct of your soul—your mind, will, and emotions—which is the area Satan desperately wants to control.
 Ultimately Satan uses fear to cause you to think God's Word won't come to pass. If you fear God's Word won't come to pass, then you most certainly are not operating in faith. And if you are not operating in faith, you're not connected to God.
 Now do you see why it's imperative to uproot fear and the spirit of doubt from your life? I urge you to do whatever needs to be done to abolish fear from every area of your life, now! Pray and ask God to lead you to the source of your fears. Attacking your fears from the source literally destroys them at the root, and creates a foundation for fearless faith.

Dr. Creflo A. Dollar
   Creflo Augustus Dollar, Jr. is an American Bible teacher, pastor, and the founder of the non-denominational World Changers Church International based in Fulton County, Georgia. Wikipedia

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saving Money In June

June!  It's already June!!  Oh my!  After this month, we will be half way through 2012... 6 months til Christmas!!! WOW!  It's already been quite a year!

June is known as the unofficial start of summer... kids are out of school, grills are cleaned and ready for BBQ, pools are sparkling blue and calling your name.... We are just past memorial day and not quite to July 4th celebrations.  Due to the spring crops coming in, lots and lots of produce is in season this month! Here's a list from Southern Savers showing this month's produce to buy.  Sales are highly likely on these items so stock up...freeze some for winter months when these items are higher priced.

blueberries (just coming into season)
pineapples (nearing the end)

zucchini & squash
bell peppers
cabbage & salad

June also holds national "candy month" and "dairy month" so expect to find deals in these grocery aisles well.  You will also want to stock up this month (look for the deals in the last two weeks of June) on picnic supplies as stores gear up for 4th of July.  Think paper plates, napkins, condiments, hamburger and hot dog buns.... 

For more on what to buy in June, see this post at Faithful Provisions.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Freebie Friday: A roundup of all things Free!


SHOP Father's Day Greeting Cards
Free Father's Day card shipped to you FREE with promo code LUVDAD2 - no CC info required!

Bodycology - Free Sample of their Wild Poppy body cream

Arm & Hammer Sensitive Toothpaste sample

Invisible Glass cleaning wipes sample


Don’t Have a Kindle? Checkout the following FREE Kindle applications you can download to read Kindle ebooks on Iphone, Ipad, PC, Droid, Blackberry, etc

Fiction / Non-Fiction 

Free Stuff Still Available:

Hear it First - Sign up to recieve weekly newsletter with at least 1 free Christian music download!

More Ovaltine Please!

Clear Men Scalp Therapy Sample

Miracle Whip Sample

 Free Christian Music to download to your MP3 player!

Take care. GARNIER 



Eucerin Lotion Sample - Free Sample of Eucerin Daily Proctection Lotion with SPF.

Lipton Tea & Honey Sample Free sample of Lipton Tea new flavors

Free Sample of Rachel Ray's Dog Food

***All offers subject to change or be discontinued. Most free offers have limited supply, if you don't get yours this round, try again next time!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Free From Fear

The following is a brief devotion from Kenneth Copeland Ministries at

 Free From Fear
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."(2 Timothy 1:7)

   What would you think if I told you that you could live without fear? Would you believe me if I said that despite what you saw on the news tonight, you could be perfectly at peace? Impossible? Unrealistic? No!
   You see, fear isn't just a reaction to external circumstances. It's a spiritual force. It begins inside a person. And it is totally destructive. In fact, fear is Satan's primary weapon. He moves in response to fear, the way God moves in response to faith. He challenges the promises of God with it.
   An excellent example of this is found in Matthew 14 when Jesus invited Peter to come to Him on the water. "But when he [Peter] saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me" (verse 30).
  What enabled Peter to walk on the water? His faith in the Word of Jesus. What caused Peter to sink? He saw the wind boisterous and he was afraid. It wasn't the wind that defeated him, it was his fear of it! He looked at his circumstances, gave into the fear, and the result was defeat. If Peter had kept his focus on Jesus, his faith would never have wavered. All the blustering and blowing in the world couldn't have drawn him off course.
  Faith is developed by meditating on God's Word. Fear is developed by meditating on Satan's lies. Such fearful meditation is called worrying. Don't do it!
  The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Use it to fight Satan every time he comes against you. Hold up your shield of faith and quench all of his fiery darts. Speak words of faith and fear will depart.

Scripture Study:  Psalm 27

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello!  I am back!  Well, our entire house has been packed up into boxes, loaded into a U-Haul and driven 20 miles East just to be unloaded and unpacked.  Yes, we are in our new home in PCB, and almost unpacked.  Most importantly, the Internet was hooked up today! I feel connected once more. 

So, I know we missed some Freebie Fridays and weekly book study posts, but I have full confidence you all did just fine without me.  For those of you on the brink of feeling completely lost, well, I'm here now and ready to get back in the swing of things.

Misty has a couple things to get us going this week, then next week we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming.  Alrighty then?

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