Micah 6:8 tells us exactly how to treat others....justly, with mercy, and humbly. Well, what does that mean exactly? It might help to see how God treats us and we in turn can treat others the same.
ACT JUSTLY We have all encountered people who have been abused in some way or another. It is our job to see that justice is done in their lives. No, that doesn't mean head to the courthouse. It means see to it that their lives are filled with Jesus. When Jesus takes over, there is nothing that can hold them back, keep them down, and no past that can steal their joy. When we show them the love that Jesus showed us, they too will desire the same.
LOVE MERCY You've experienced it, whether pressured by others or by yourself, the need to be perfect can be a daunting task. We cannot be that pressure in someone else's life. People will fail. We fail God daily. He still loves us no matter the sin. We must act in love toward others, no matter their faults. As Christians we accept every person....not every person's actions.
WALK HUMBLY Putting ourselves above others is not walking in love for others, but love for oneself. We are all one bad decision away from devastation. We are no better than the homeless, we've just made better choices. God loves them just as much as He loves us.
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