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Friday, March 30, 2012

Countdown to Easter Celebration - Day 10

Matthew 16:13-17:13, Mark 8:27-9:1 & 9:2-13, Luke 9:18-36

The 12 disciples have been travelling with Jesus, seeing miracle after miracle.  They've had turning moments, one moment in particular involved just the 12 and Jesus and a boat.  Many have turned their backs on Jesus, but the 12 remain.  They have now begun to believe that Jesus is the Messiah....but yet there is still disorder in the cities, in government, in families.  Many are questioning "who is this Jesus?"  In a quiet moment with His 12, Jesus asks of them "who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They respond with what they've obviously heard on the rumor mill "John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, one of the prophets..."  But Jesus asks them another question,  "Who do YOU say that I am?"

Who do the 12 followers remaining say that Jesus is?  Only Simon Peter claims him to be the Messiah, Son of the Living God.  Do the others believe the same thing?  Maybe they still have questions at this point...

Who do you think Jesus is? 

Let's move on to a significant event in Jesus' journey to the cross....His Transfiguration. 

Jesus leads Peter, James and his brother John up a high mountain.  Here he is "transformed in front of them, and His face shone like the sun.  Even His clothes became as white as the light."  There's another figure in the bible who's face shone like the sun.  Moses.  The glory of God was reflected on Moses (Exodus).  The disciples see here the glory of God reflected on Jesus. 

Guess who appears?  Moses and Elijah.  They appear and are talking with Jesus.  Then, a voice in the cloud says:

The disciples fall on their face in terror. 

Jesus has the Glory of God reflected on Him, The Father claims Jesus as His Son.

Who do you think Jesus is?

We praise God because He is the God of order, we thank Him when He blesses us, we attempt to worship Him through the storms of life, we praise Him when we see the beauty of His creation, we recognize He put the moon and stars and sun in their place, we praise Him because He formed us in our mother's womb, We thank Him for sending us the Holy Spirit to convict us and guide us to the straight and narrow....

God became one of us.  He put on flesh and walked this earth in human form.  That's a hard thing to comprehend, a hard thing to recognize Him for. 

I can just imagine Peter's revelation as he watched Jesus transfigure into the glory of God and heard the Lord's voice... "This man who encouraged me to go on, this man who sat with me when I was lonely, this man who dried my tears...I have touched Him.  I have walked with Him. All along... I was with God!  Jesus is God!  ...."   Can you feel the excitement welling up inside just as it probably did in Peter? 

Who do you think Jesus is?

I pray that you continue in your search for who you believe Jesus is.  No man comes to the Father, but by Jesus Christ.  Seek first the Kingdom of God...  You'll find your answers in God's Word.  We need to see His Glory reflected in others.  We are blessed to have a place to meet and share with each other that Jesus is God! 

Today:  Make it a point to attend a church service this weekend.  Put it on your calendar if you don't already, regularly attend.  There are people there who want to worship with you and proclaim who Jesus is with you.  When you've prepared in your heart who Jesus is, then you are ready to comprehend exactly what He did for you.....


Freebie Friday - Freebies in My Mailbox

This was a great week as far as free stuff in my mailbox goes!  I wanted to show you what I got this week! 

Interactive DVD I can use as educational material
Sample box of Oatmeal Squares cereal (yumm breakfast)
sample Gevalia coffee
Coupon booklet from Publix

All of these came to me in mailbox this week. I paid nothing and used my "junk email addy" so I am not bombarded with emails I don't read.  However, I will tell you if you coupon, you may want to check that junk email inbox every now then.  These companies email me from time to time with a printable coupon, sometimes worth more $ off then I get elsewhere. 

If you've wanted to do the freebies, here's your proof there are some free things left in this world!  Read my how to do it safely post here.

You may still be able to score some of the freebies in our previous posts. 

The Hunger Games..... True, Noble, Pure, Praiseworthy?

Have you seen The Hunger Games?  Have you allowed your children to see it or read the series of books?  If not, I'm sure you've see the hype.  I have, and I wondered what it was all about.  Thus began by search for a broader perspective....I'm not one to do what everyone else is doing very often, but I do often wonder if I may be missing out. 

True Woman | A Parent's Guide to The Hunger Games

Plugged In Movie Review : The Hunger Games 

Focus on the Family Book Review:  The Hunger Games

As an adult, I am able to filter things I watch or read through the Word of God. I am able to throw out of my mind (although I wonder why I don't just shut it off to begin with, as putting things out of ones mind could prove to be a more difficult task than just shutting the book or turning off the TV) what is not noble, pure, lovely, admirable, Holy....  As for my children, I still remain their moral authority.  Until the day that they can be trusted to deal with the consequences of their own moral decisions, I must take charge. 

After reading the above reviews, I don't think we will be giving in to any Hunger Games hype, books or movie.  I however, have young minds.  If you have older minds, teens, able to think through synopsis....are you talking with them about this movie/book series?  I like that Focus on the Family gives questions to discuss with your teens if you allow them to read the books. 

I caution you to search out the things feeding your teens minds.  Music, books, tv, games, computer....these my friends are the things upon which they are thinking.  Do these things line up with Philippians 4:8?  The bible is clear, whatsover a man thinks, he is. 

 The things your teens think, is that what you want them to be?  I'm not just talking about the lip service they pay you.  Our teens are pretty smart and know exactly what to say to us to keep us at a trusting distance.  What your children are consistently listening to, watching, reading....that is what they think upon. 

Philippians 4:8

New International Version (NIV)
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Countdown to Easter Celebration - Day 11

Jesus fed the 5000, walked on water, and upon arriving on shore, was bombarded by people who just wanted a touch.  All that touched the hem of his garment were healed.  Those that had been fed by the 5 loaves came seeking Jesus.  Knowing he hadn't boarded the boat with the disciples, they are in wonderment when they find him on the other side of the sea.  Maybe they came expecting another meal, maybe they came ready to see Jesus lead a revolt and be crowned as king. 

Jesus begins his famous sermon on the Bread of Life. 
 Jesus says:  I did not come to fill your belly.  I came to be the bread of life. Do not seek the food that spoils, but the food that gives everlasting life. 
 The crowd asks:  What must we do?  What are our works?
Jesus replies:   The works of God are simple:  Believe in the One God sent. 
The crowd asks:  What will be your sign?  What miracle will you perform?  Our ancestors ate manna from heaven as their sign....
Jesus answers:  Moses did not give that manna, but my Father in Heaven did.  The bread of God is He who comes down and gives life.   
The crowd demands:  Give us this bread always!!
Jesus gives these words to the crowd, and to us
                 I have come to give life.  He who comes to me will never thirst, never hunger.  You have seen me, yet do not believe.  I have all that my Father gives me, and I will not cast out anyone who comes to me.  I came from heaven to do the will of my Father, not my own.  His will is that I lose none he gives me.  My Father's desire is that all who believe in the Son shall have everlasting life and will be raised on the last day. 
                  I am the bread of life.  The bread I shall give is my flesh. 

From this sermon, many of his disciples no longer followed Jesus.  Many no longer walked with Jesus. Why remain if this is not the man to make everything here on Earth right?   He's not going to overthrow the rulers and feed us daily, why keep following?  

Jesus asks the 12 if they too will walk away.  Simon Peter
rises and speaks. He says "Where else will we go?  You have the words of eternal life.We have come to believe that your are the Christ, the Son of the living God"
Why did the disciples stay?  They were worldly, expecting a new kingdom here on earth.  They'd seen the miracle of the 5000 just as the crowd that had now turned their backs.  Why did the 12 stay?  If you read the story of Jesus walking on the water, the 12 were the only ones there in the boat, in the middle of the sea.  They had a turning point there in that boat.  Maybe they recognized they were the kingdom to come.  They were the change they desired in the world.  Remember their turn of hearts when all was calm that night, they went from questioning to worshipping Jesus. 

Near the end of Jesus' Bread of Life sermon, he tells the crowd that he will give of himself, that he would give up his flesh for the world.  He would die.   

Today:  Have some bread.  Bake some bread.  Think of that bread as the flesh Jesus gave us to give us eternal life.
Photo source:

Lord In Heaven, I thank you that you drew me near, that you gave me to Jesus. God, thank you that all you ask of me is to believe in your Son in order to have eternal life.  Jesus I thank you that you are my guide, my protector, food for my soul.  I thank you that you gave yourself for me.  Help me remember the bread you give Jesus, and because of that bread I must serve you by serving others.  AMEN

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Countdown to Easter Celebration - Day 12

Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:16-21

After feeding the 5000, Jesus sent his disciples in a boat across the Sea of Galilee. Jesus, however remained behind.  He sent the multitudes away and retreats to a mountain to be alone, to spend time in prayer.  Even Jesus, in all his majesty, had to find time to be alone with his Father. 

In the night, the disciples encounter a storm on the water. The boat was already in the middle of the sea and the disciples began to struggle with their rowing.  We know these men to be experienced fishermen.  Very well capable of navigating a boat, but they find themselves in the middle of the sea, rowing for miles, maybe for 8 or more hours. 

You will recall a similar story.  These men have been in a storm on the water before.  In that instance, Jesus was present, in the boat with with them.  They believed then, that he could surely do something.  But here, we find the disciples in a storm on the water, and Jesus is on the mountain, away from them. 

But Jesus spots them and their struggle....Jesus comes to them, walking on the water. It is the 4th watch of the night (sometime between 3am and 6am). Terrified, the disciples cry out "It is a ghost!"  In the midst of the storm, the disciples did not recognize Jesus.  Its dark, and though they do not recognize Jesus, he knows exactly where they are in the middle of the sea.  He saw them from the mountain, and came at supernatural speed at just the right moment to be with them.   

Jesus immediately replies:  "Be of good cheer: It is I, do not be afraid"

Peter still unsure yet in a panic state of mind, knowing his safety resides in being near to the Lord, says, "Lord, if it's you, command me to come to you on the water." ...asks for a command, and waits for the Lord's answer....
  Jesus invites Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water toward Jesus. When Peter takes his eyes off Jesus to look at the boisterous winds and waves, he begins to sink. Peter cries out "Lord save me!"  and Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches Peter. Jesus asks Peter, "oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
The disciples knew Jesus could overpower demons, feed 1000's with very little, command the winds and waves...they'd been present for all these miracles.  What they still lacked, was Faith.  Faith that Jesus loved them, Faith that he was their protector. 
As they climb into the boat together, the storm immediately ceases. Then the disciples worship Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." They no longer questioned, they believed.   The boat was already at the shore they had intended. 

Today:  Examine what you are most fearful of.  Write it down.  Write them all down.  Write them in marker for best results.  Once you've written them, crumple the paper up.  Toss it in a sink of water, a glass of water, a bowl or a tub if you need more room.  Watch the water wash away the ink. 

Lord, I thank you that you took on all my fears.  I ask that you command me in the direction I should take and I wait, Lord, I wait for your Word.  Holy Spirit, well up inside of me a faith that can walk on water.  I pray that my eyes remain on Jesus and my feet above the storm.  In Jesus name AMEN. 

I did this activity with the kids after telling them the story of Jesus Walking on Water. 


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Countdown to Easter Celebration - Day 13

Today's story is from all 4 Gospels.  It is the only event in Jesus' ministry recorded in all 4 New Testament Gospels. 
(Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15)

Jesus had recently recieved news that his dear friend and kinsmen, John the Baptist had been beheaded.  The 12 disciples had just returned from a journey.  They all were in need of some rest.  Jesus took them to the Sea of Galilee where they boarded a boat and headed for a secluded location.  However, the crowds still found them, and having compassion on the people, Jesus healed their sick and taught them about the Kingdom of God. 

When evening fell, the disciples asked Jesus to send the multitudes away so that they may eat.  But Jesus wanted to feed the people. He said "You feed them" Those people counted 5000 men.  According to Matthew, that count did not include women and children. 

Jesus asked Philip, "where can we buy these people something to eat?"  Jesus already knew how he would feed these people, but he questioned Philip to test him.  Philip answered that they did not have enough money to buy enough food for the amount of people gathered with them. 

Andrew (Simon Peter's brother) brought a boy forward who had 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish.  But still Andrew was unsure how this would feed 5000 men
Jesus organized the crowd into groups of 50.  He took the loaves, looked to Heaven, blessed the bread and broke the bread.  He did the same with the fish.  The disciples dispursed the broken bread and fish to the multitudes of people.  Not only did the men eat and were full, but the women and children as well. 

When all had been fed and were full, the lefovers were collected in baskets, 12 baskets full to be exact. 

Focus on Christ's words:  "YOU FEED THEM"  What is He saying to you right now?

 Feed them what Lord? 
How do I do that?  I'm a broken person myself.
 Who Lord?
So, you want me to feed the broken? ? the needy? the hurting? the lonely? You want me, a broken human, to feed the other broken humans?
Yes, I know you.  I believe in you.  I put my Faith in you.

Today:  Make a meal, dessert, or loaf of bread for someone who needs Jesus. Or maybe invite someone hurting over for tea/coffee.  Give of yourself, as little as you may have, and watch your Joy multiply. 

Lord Jesus, I pray that as each Woman of Joy, gives of herself today, that you bless her offering and multiply her joy.  You fed us Lord, you were broken for us, allow us to feed others who need you.  


Free Positive Thoughts

I found some positive thoughts for you!  They are printable and they are free!  How about that for easy?  No thinking required! These come from a great site full of kindness called Kind Over Matter.
Click here to print the poster out.  Cut each strip at the bottom, just cutting the dotted lines, not actually cutting off the strip.  Pin it up in the place you are most frequently.  For me, that would be my office/craft room.  Every time you have a negative thought, tear one of your strips off and read OUT LOUD the positive thought. 
Matter of fact, print two copies!  I think I need one in my car too!
Freebie Alert : Free Positive Thoughts Poster!
Click picture above to be taken to printable. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Countdown to Easter - Day 14

Easter is quickly approaching and I want to emphasize the Lamb to my children more than the bunny.  It's something we always say is our goal, and we always have a family discussion about what Easter and Christmas are really about, but we still get caught up in the chocolate bunnies and colored eggs.  I guess in order to pass the True story on to my children, I really need to start with myself. 

This is and should be celebrated as the most important holiday of the year!  This is why we have Joy, because Jesus took all of our sins to the cross and tore the veil that separated us from God the Father.  We live because He died and rose again.  Rejoice!  He Lives!

Spend the next 14 days Intentionally celebrating Easter.  I'll post an Easter Challenge each day.  I'd love to see pictures and updates.  If you email me your picture of you doing the Easter celebration, I'll post them on the blog to encourage others!  I need to know I'm not the only one out there doing this!!

DAY 14 - Plant an Easter Garden. 

Don't run away!  This is a small, simple tabletop garden.
Here's our lil' garden.  I'll update with pics as the grass grows in.  I'm sure it will look a whole lot prettier then.  

You can do this in any plant base or basket you have you have.  You just need enough potting soil to fill it and make a mound.  Fit a small pot, laying on its side into the mound so that only the opening is showing.  This will be your tomb.  Add small rocks or pebbles in front of your tomb and a large rock to be the "stone that was rolled away".

Search for small twigs or sticks that can be shaped into a cross by breaking away some of the outer limbs. We couldn't find any so we made crosses with sticks and a glue gun.  You will need 3 crosses.  Place these on your hill. 

Add grass seed. Shade grass will do best. Sprinkle it over your mound. Spray a mist of water over the seed several times each day. Keep in a warm, sunny spot and your seeds should sprout in a week or more.

Here's another Easter Garden.  I love all the greenery! Check out the full story on this Easter Garden at A Holy Experience. 

This one is from Velvet on the Page!  Doesn't it look fantastic?  I hope our grass comes in as pretty!
pic source: Velvet on the Page

Power Thoughts {WEEK 3}

Read through page 24-38 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .
As you read, Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.

We’ve focused on the mind and attitude, but there is one word that we must keep our mind and attitude in check with:  POSITIVE  

In situations, circumstances, and people and items, we tend to find the negative or the "bad" in them first.  This week, make a choice to overlook the "bad" things and look for the positive or the "good" things first. 

pos·i·tive  adjective

1. explicitly stated, stipulated, or expressed 2. admitting of no question:  

3. stated; express; emphatic 4. confident in opinion or assertion; fully assured  5. overconfident or dogmatic

pos·i·tiv·i·ty noun

1. the state or character of being positive: a positivity that accepts the world as it is. 2. something positive.

Key Points:
Positive thinking results in positive health benefits, ( See the post here from last week about some of those benefits!), positive results and responses.  Positive thinking keeps things in perspective and helps you enjoy life. 

God's Word:
Philippians 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Click on Picture to be taken to the Free Printable. 
ACTION: #1 Print the above picture by clicking on the picture itself.  There is an area for making your own list of true and noble, pure and lovely, right and admirable, excellent, praiseworty….POSITIVE.  Make your list.  If you care to, share your list with us by posting in the comments section of this post. 
#2 Take notice of a situation this week that you choose the positive side of.  Maybe its a person, you choose to find something positive about.  Whatever, the case, write it down in your notebook.  Write down the positve things you chose to dwell on.  Share if you dare!

PRAY: Father God, Help me to remain positive in every area in my life.  Let me see everything through your eyes and not my own.  Convict me when my thoughts and words are contrary to yours.  In Jesus Name ,Amen. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Freebie Friday - A roundup of free stuff #4

Happy Friday ladies!  Here's this week's roundup  of my free finds!
Anything with an * I have already received for myself!


Free Bible APP

*Thriving Family Magazine from Focus on the Family

Adventures in Odyessey - Easter 2 part series

Fiction Novel Ebook:  Delivered with Love by Christian author Sherry Kyle

Free Christian Music downloads:  Song of the Week Free to download to your player


Once again, Ace Hardware is offering a free quart of paint this Saturday 3/24 when you use the coupon HERE.

Hurry on over to the ZonePerfect Facebook page to score a coupon valid for a FREE ZonePerfect bar!
 Tons of Free printable labels and stickers!  Label your world!

Create Your Style – Free instructions for tons of DIY jewelry

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Research Says about a Positive Attitude

This week we have focused on our
Most of us know the benefits of a positive attitude when it comes to our spiritual health.  But have you ever seen the research done for Physical health as related to your attitude?  I've seen the studies and article before, but never really looked at them in detail.  Mostly because I already know I have to keep my spirit in good shape to keep my physical body in good health.  Let's take a look at a few things I found.  You might think twice about that chocolate cake  negative comment....

From the Mayo Clinic:

The health benefits of positive thinking

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
It's unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these health benefits. One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It's also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess.
What stands out to me in the Mayo's list:  longer life span and greater resistance to the common cold!

  I wanted to know what the folks with the medical degrees suggested on how to achieve better health by simply changing ones attitude.  Would you be shocked to know that each suggestion I found has a biblical basis?  Take a look:

Psychology Today suggests:  Take one step at a time.  God says "Do not worry about tomorrow, for it holds its own worries.....Matthew 6:34
PUT IT IN ACTION:  Ask God each morning to guide you through today, to set your feet in flight so that you may accomplish what HE would have you set your hands to today.  Tomorrow, you will ask Him to do the same and tomorrow will take care of itself. 

 Psychology Today suggests:  Find Social Support 
God says "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching" Hebrews 10:25
PUT IT IN ACTION: Get connected in your church. Vow to be more than "in a pew on Sunday" by attending other church functions and groups.  
Psychology Today suggests:  Find a Role Model
God says "Teach others to live righteous lives" Titus 2
PUT IT IN ACTION: There is always someone in our lives we can learn from.  Find a person grounded in their walk and learn from them.  Ask their advice from time to time.  Listen to their stories.  Ask them to hold you accountable. 

The list goes on and on.... here are few more but I'll let you excercise your mental health and find God's suggestion for each of the worldy doctor ones: 

Accept Self Doubt....Put It In Its Place
Get Happy
Draw From Your Past
Repeat Affirmations
So I am interested to see what you come up with for the suggestions above.  Tell me, what does God say about each?  Post a comment below with your answers!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Scriptures for a Sound Mind

The following is a piece found on Joyce Meyer's website.  You can print it (FREE) and place in your Power Thoughts notebook, your purse, on your mirror, in your car...wherever you need it.  Click Here to print.


As you begin to claim your mind back from the enemy, he will not want to give up the place that he has had. You will have to do battle with his lies and confusion.
Your first step is to declare out loud that you will not allow any outside force to do your thinking–no man and no spirit. There are spiritual laws that demons must obey. They cannot stay where a man wills them not to stay. Your power is in the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, and the Word of God. Ask God to give you discernment of the lies of the devil.
Think about what you are thinking about. As you recognize a lie to your mind, always defend yourself out loud. That means speaking to Satan and the evil forces out loud, binding them in the Name of Jesus, and forbidding them to lie to you and to use your mind.
When you catch a lie to your mind, use this prescription regularly–and you will regain peace, your memory, restful nights, and the ability to concentrate and comprehend.
You are in a battle–you are not alone–for all of God’s people fight this same fight (Ephesians 6:12).

Make up your mind not to give up! According to Colossians 3:2, set your mind on things above and keep it set! As you begin this battle, it will seem worse than ever. The reason is that the demonic powers are fighting to keep their place in your mind (and in your thinking). Call upon God’s grace in the Name of Jesus, and He will give you the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome every evil tendency fully.

Remember, regaining your mind is a process. We all fail at one time or another. God knows our weakness; that is why He gave us 1 John 1:9. Just ask for forgiveness and see the Blood of Jesus washing away your sin. Don’t give up! Continue claiming what belongs to you (your mind and your thinking belong to you), and Jesus will help you overcome.
Second Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
sound mind! 


When You Hear A Lie Going Through Your Mind, Say Out Loud:

2 Corinthians 10:5
"Satan, you are a liar. I will not receive (or believe) your lie in the Name of Jesus."

1 John 4:4
"I remind you that it is written, ‘He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world.’ I command you to bow your knee to the Name of Jesus and leave me."
(Now you have pulled the lie out–just as you pull a weed out of the ground. An empty hole remains where the weed was, and you will need to fill the space you cast the lie out of with Scripture.)

Philippians 4:8
Begin to think on the Word or begin to sing a praise song to God. Make a conscious effort to fill your mind with good, pure, wholesome, and lovely thoughts.

Copyright © 2008 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.

Power Thoughts {WEEK 2}

Read through page 9-23 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer .

Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.  


  1. A settled way of thinking or feeling, typically reflected in a person's behavior.

Key Points:
Maintain the right attitude during the tough times
Rough times won’t last forever
Do not make major decisions during tough times
Stay in touch with God
Keep things in perspective

God's Word:

Amplified Bible (AMP)
8Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [[a]in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
9Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset--rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same ([b]identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world.

~Choose to adjust any negative attitudes that creep up by applying the rules mentioned in the book.  Write each rule down on a sticky note and keep it in your purse or wallet so you can refer to the rules, each time a negative thought enters your mind. 
Psalm 42
~Write down in your notebook or journal, 5 things that bring you joy. 
Father God, 
     Help me to see myself as you see me, complete, secure and whole. Holy Spirit convict me of any thoughts that are not of you and help me to replace them with thoughts that line up with your Word. I know I need to change my attitude about ____________ .  Lead me, guide me as I pursue Joy in this area.  In Jesus name, Amen

Friday, March 16, 2012

Joyce Meyer's Devotionals for your Smartphone

New Devotional from Joyce on

Exclusively available on YouVersion:

Joyce’s Promises for Your Everyday Life: 365 Starts to Better, Fuller, More Purposeful Days.

This devotional will inspire you to discover that living with purpose and passion really is possible.

Now you can easily access Joyce’s practical teachings from your smartphone, tablet, or computer with YouVersion.

Freebie Friday - A roundup of free stuff #3

Happy Friday ya'll! Here's this week's of my free finds!  Anything with an * I have already received for myself!

Free Bible APP

Free Ebook:  A Guide To The Bible from

Wisdom for Women of Worth and Worship (Kindle version)
Amazon has apps for all smartphones and computers enabling you to read Kindle downloads)

*Thriving Family Magazine from Focus on the Family

Adventures in Odyessey - Easter 2 part series


Go to the Ace Hardware Facebook Page and you can grab a printable coupon for 1 Free Quart of Any Clark+Kensington Paint. You may redeem this coupon in-stores at Ace Hardware this Saturday, March 17, 2012 only.

Head on over to Burger King for Free Fries on March 17-18, 1 per person. Click on picture for details...NO PURCHASE NECESSARY!!

Free Sample from Tom's of Maine toothpaste


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