READ: Read through page 9 of Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer
Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.
Highlight the passages that jump out to you, the ones that grab your attention or tug on your heart strings. What is God revealing to you through these pages? Write down your thoughts in your book or journal.
This week we want to focus on your mind! Part 1 of Power Thoughts is accurately titled "It's All in Your Mind." Whatever you want in life, wherever you want to be in life, it starts in your mind. As the quote at the beginning of the book says, "Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life...."

Key Points:
Success begins with a thought. Failure begins with a thought.
Success begins with a thought. Failure begins with a thought.
Proverbs 23:7 says: " For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" The power of our thoughts is simply this: our thoughts become our attitude. Don't be misled, you cannot think something into existence, you only control you and your will. You cannot think someone else into the attitude you wish them to have. You control you and your own attitude.
We must exchange our faulty reasoning for the Word of God
If you have accepted Christ as your savior you received a new heart and a new soul, but your mind is the same mind. It must be renewed. How is this accomplished? By hearing, and hearing the Word of God. Romans 10:17 Faith is buried in your heart and we need to to match our minds to our hearts.
noun \ˈmīnd\a: the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons
God's Word:
God's Word:
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
This week, really focus on the thoughts that pass through your mind. Expound upon anything positive. Explore it. Keep thinking upon those positive things.
Expel anything negative. Come against it. Cast it out. To stop negative thoughts you will have to re-focus. When a negative thought comes in, stop whatever you are doing and write down a scripture. The first one that comes to your mind, write it down. If you can't write it, speak it. Say it out loud so you can hear. Your mind will stop thinking to hear what your mouth is saying....
If you choose to take no action, things will remain the same for you, or even get worse. Determine now to dig in and take action and renew your mind and expect great improvements in your life.
This week, really focus on the thoughts that pass through your mind. Expound upon anything positive. Explore it. Keep thinking upon those positive things.
Expel anything negative. Come against it. Cast it out. To stop negative thoughts you will have to re-focus. When a negative thought comes in, stop whatever you are doing and write down a scripture. The first one that comes to your mind, write it down. If you can't write it, speak it. Say it out loud so you can hear. Your mind will stop thinking to hear what your mouth is saying....
If you choose to take no action, things will remain the same for you, or even get worse. Determine now to dig in and take action and renew your mind and expect great improvements in your life.
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