Matthew 16:13-17:13, Mark 8:27-9:1 & 9:2-13, Luke 9:18-36
The 12 disciples have been travelling with Jesus, seeing miracle after miracle. They've had turning moments, one moment in particular involved just the 12 and Jesus and a boat. Many have turned their backs on Jesus, but the 12 remain. They have now begun to believe that Jesus is the Messiah....but yet there is still disorder in the cities, in government, in families. Many are questioning "who is this Jesus?" In a quiet moment with His 12, Jesus asks of them "who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They respond with what they've obviously heard on the rumor mill "John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, one of the prophets..." But Jesus asks them another question, "Who do YOU say that I am?"
Who do the 12 followers remaining say that Jesus is? Only Simon Peter claims him to be the Messiah, Son of the Living God. Do the others believe the same thing? Maybe they still have questions at this point...
Who do you think Jesus is?
Let's move on to a significant event in Jesus' journey to the cross....His Transfiguration.
Jesus leads Peter, James and his brother John up a high mountain. Here he is "transformed in front of them, and His face shone like the sun. Even His clothes became as white as the light." There's another figure in the bible who's face shone like the sun. Moses. The glory of God was reflected on Moses (Exodus). The disciples see here the glory of God reflected on Jesus.
Guess who appears? Moses and Elijah. They appear and are talking with Jesus. Then, a voice in the cloud says:
The disciples fall on their face in terror.
Jesus has the Glory of God reflected on Him, The Father claims Jesus as His Son.
Who do you think Jesus is?
We praise God because He is the God of order, we thank Him when He blesses us, we attempt to worship Him through the storms of life, we praise Him when we see the beauty of His creation, we recognize He put the moon and stars and sun in their place, we praise Him because He formed us in our mother's womb, We thank Him for sending us the Holy Spirit to convict us and guide us to the straight and narrow....
God became one of us. He put on flesh and walked this earth in human form. That's a hard thing to comprehend, a hard thing to recognize Him for.
I can just imagine Peter's revelation as he watched Jesus transfigure into the glory of God and heard the Lord's voice... "This man who encouraged me to go on, this man who sat with me when I was lonely, this man who dried my tears...I have touched Him. I have walked with Him. All along... I was with God! Jesus is God! ...." Can you feel the excitement welling up inside just as it probably did in Peter?
Who do you think Jesus is?
I pray that you continue in your search for who you believe Jesus is. No man comes to the Father, but by Jesus Christ. Seek first the Kingdom of God... You'll find your answers in God's Word. We need to see His Glory reflected in others. We are blessed to have a place to meet and share with each other that Jesus is God!
Today: Make it a point to attend a church service this weekend. Put it on your calendar if you don't already, regularly attend. There are people there who want to worship with you and proclaim who Jesus is with you. When you've prepared in your heart who Jesus is, then you are ready to comprehend exactly what He did for you.....

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